Το όνομά σου μπορεί να μην είναι Delilah, εγώ μπορεί να μην είμαι χίλια μίλια μακριά αλλά δεν έχει σημασία. Σημασία ξέρεις τί έχει τελικά καρδιά μου; Το ότι δεν είσαι εσύ εδώ.
Δε με ενδιαφέρει το σώμα σου να είναι εδώ. Εγώ θέλω ΕΣΕΝΑ. Κι όταν λέω εσένα εννοώ όλα τα μέσα σου. Τη σκέψη σου, την έννοια σου, τη φροντίδα σου, τη λαχτάρα σου, την αγάπη σου. ΟΛΑ.
The mind is such a strong thing, it can create, destroy, make beautiful, or even shrivel anything it comes in contact with. It can make us travel at the speed of thought, take us to places noone has ever been before. That's the beauty, and that is the curse.
I am travelling at the speed of thought to reach you, I am taken to places noone, except you and me, has ever been before, I see the beauty in you, you are the curse for me.
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απλα πολυ ομορφο κ αληθινο
The mind is such a strong thing, it can create, destroy, make beautiful, or even shrivel anything it comes in contact with. It can make us travel at the speed of thought, take us to places noone has ever been before. That's the beauty, and that is the curse.
I am travelling at the speed of thought to reach you, I am taken to places noone, except you and me, has ever been before, I see the beauty in you, you are the curse for me.
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